Designing child-friendly cities: play spaces outside playgrounds
A DPU Dialogues in Development event co-hosted with the UCL's Critical Childhood Studies Research Group (CCSRG)
Nos équipes accompagnent les prescripteurs et les collectivités pour proposer des espaces agréables et conviviaux, avec une dimension plus ludique avec des jeux pour enfants et des équipements sportifs.
A DPU Dialogues in Development event co-hosted with the UCL's Critical Childhood Studies Research Group (CCSRG)
No parent would ever say ‘this is a great neighbourhood – but I won’t let my child walk to school or play in the local park’. Former Bogotá mayor Enrique Peñalosa grasped this insight when he called children an ‘indicator species’ for cities. It helped him build ambitious policies and...
Have you ever felt that the city you live in was making your life more difficult than it should be? Combining work, leisure, taking care of the city, and just enjoying outdoor spaces can be a real uphill battle. Productivity has become more important than people and, according to some...
Urban furniture plays an essential role in any contemporary urban space. From public bike racks to playground equipment or bespoke seating —the options are endless when it comes to designing a unique street setting worthy of attracting visitors. Creating beautiful city landscapes starts with considering how people interact with spaces...